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Brian Club

Secret Comedy Club Carrer de la Junta de Comercio 28, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Brian Club is a work in progress hour by Ewan May. It is also a club for the shy and previously shy. The show will involve audience participation. Not too much though as primarily the show is about Ewan May, who wrote the show. You can pay up front for the show to make sure […]

Adquirir Entradas Free – €5.00

Maratón de monólogos

Secret Comedy Club Carrer de la Junta de Comercio 28, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Welcome to our exciting secret comedy club! in the best Speak Easy style bars in New York. To access this unique experience, you will be taken to a surprising place. First, head to the renowned Torres del Paine restaurant, the starting point for your night of laughter and fun. Once inside, the adventure begins. Go […]

Maratón de monólogos

Secret Comedy Club Carrer de la Junta de Comercio 28, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Welcome to our exciting secret comedy club! in the best Speak Easy style bars in New York. To access this unique experience, you will be taken to a surprising place. First, head to the renowned Torres del Paine restaurant, the starting point for your night of laughter and fun. Once inside, the adventure begins. Go […]

Thorny Thursday – Open Mic Comedy

Secret Comedy Club Carrer de la Junta de Comercio 28, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Thorny Thursday offers a welcoming stage for comedians of all levels, who will use you as their guinea pigs to try out new material or try to blow you away with their best jokes! Why should you come? Well, until we win the right to a 4-day work week, make Thursdays your new Fridays and stick it […]

Maratón de monólogos

Secret Comedy Club Carrer de la Junta de Comercio 28, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Welcome to our exciting secret comedy club! in the best Speak Easy style bars in New York. To access this unique experience, you will be taken to a surprising place. First, head to the renowned Torres del Paine restaurant, the starting point for your night of laughter and fun. Once inside, the adventure begins. Go […]

Maratón de monólogos

Secret Comedy Club Carrer de la Junta de Comercio 28, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Welcome to our exciting secret comedy club! in the best Speak Easy style bars in New York. To access this unique experience, you will be taken to a surprising place. First, head to the renowned Torres del Paine restaurant, the starting point for your night of laughter and fun. Once inside, the adventure begins. Go […]

Maratón de monólogos

Secret Comedy Club Carrer de la Junta de Comercio 28, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Welcome to our exciting secret comedy club! in the best Speak Easy style bars in New York. To access this unique experience, you will be taken to a surprising place. First, head to the renowned Torres del Paine restaurant, the starting point for your night of laughter and fun. Once inside, the adventure begins. Go […]